The solidity of a house depends above all on the quality of the masonry work carried out. When a wall is damaged or when an extension, fence or other work is being built, it is necessary to call in a building professional.


When is it necessary to do masonry work ?

A masonry renovation occurs in 4 main situations :

  • When the shell is damaged and has apparent anomalies.
  • When you want to modify a building.
  • When a building an extension.
  • When landscaping.


Repair of damaged structural work

When the shell of a building is damaged, the risk of collapse is real. Of course, before reaching this stage, the mason can intervene and consolidate the affected area. There are different types of work to repair a damaged structure. It is possible to repair stone seals, seal the cracks, then drain the walls and treat them to clean them. It is also possible, for example, to reinforce the walls and rework the rendering to avoid increasing the infiltration.


Modify a building

Do you want to modify your building to create new openings, develop the attic, build a veranda, raise your roof?

All these modifications require the intervention of a building professional to ensure durability and resistance of the work carried out.


Building an extension

You want to create an additional room, a garage, a lean-to ?
An extension is the best solution to adapt to your desires and needs. The mason can carry out all the steps of your extension, first by pouring the slab, then erecting the partitions and carrying out all the finishing touches.


Outdoor facilities

This type of development can be, for example, the construction of a concrete fence, a slab, a terrace, stairs …

The fence can be a property boundary, to consolidate sloping land …

The terrace extends your home allowing you to enjoy the outdoors in peace. The professional prepares the area beforehand where the terrace will be built, he prepares the formwork, pours the slab and removes the formwork once the concrete is dry.

This work makes it possible to beautify a property, but also to enjoy your space.


What regulation ?

As soon as you undertake masonry work that involves an extension of the living space or an exterior modification of your home, a prior declaration of work or a license are necessary.

  • Prior declaration of works : This concerns works to create a new floor area of between 5 and 20m2 (between 20 and 40m2 for communes with a POS or PLU, if the total surface area of the house after the works does not exceed 150m2.
  • Building permit : This concerns the creation of a new floor area of more than 20m2 (40m2 for communes with a POS or PLU) and the modification of the load-bearing structure or the façade of the dwelling.


Whatever the type of masonry renovation to be carried out, it is recommended that you call on the services of building professionals in order to simplify your work by relying on the qualifications of specialists and to be guaranteed the durability and solidity of your home.